14 Jun 2024

HEVO applications open

For the 14th year within this programme, Volleyball England is inviting students from universities to apply for the Higher Education Volleyball Officer (HEVO) role.

We spoke with HEVO’s last year at the HEVO conference about why they became a HEVO and what they get out of the programme.  

South West Senior HEVO Joshua Joseph-Iyanda said “I’ve met people from all over the country and world” while he has been involved in the programme and been involved in lots of tournaments and competitions.  

The roles involve leading and coordinating the development of recreational volleyball at the host institution in order to encourage new players to come into the sport and to ensure all players have a great experience at whatever level they participate. 

The programme is open to anyone in higher education with support throughout the year from Volleyball England to help grow the sport across the country and engage new and returning players.  

More details about applying to be a HEVO or Senior HEVO can be found on the HEVO programme web page where possible candidates can also find details about university requirements and the support provided by Volleyball England.  

Closing dates to apply to be a HEVO is 26th August 2024. This includes the HEVO Application form, University Application form, and conference payment.  

Information for universities can be found here

The deadline to apply for a Senior HEVO role is the 20th July 2024. More details about the role and requirements can be found here