Let's Play Volleyball programme
At Volleyball England, we're passionate about getting young people involved in the exciting world of volleyball.
Our "Let's Play Volleyball" programme is designed to introduce the sport through three progressive stages: Volley2s, Volley3s and Volley4s.

2 v 2 Age 7 to 11 (KS2 Years 3, 4, 5, 6) |
3 v 3 Age 11 to 14 (KS3 Years 7, 8, 9) |
4 v 4 Age 14 to 16 (KS4 Years 10, 11) |
Volley2s, Volley3s and Volley4s are underpinned by a comprehensive Development Framework and guiding principles.
Volley2s is the 2v2 version of volleyball to introduce volleyball to children of all abilities between the age of 7 and 11 (KS2) in clubs or schools.
Volley2s takes young people from an easy to play catch and throw game through four developmental stages (Red, Amber, Green, Gold) to play 2v2 volleyball using recognised volleyball shots such as dig, set, spike, serve and block.
The programme's detailed development stages have been designed to provide teachers and coaches with step-by-step guidance, ultimately ensuring that players learn sport-specific skills as well as vital problem-solving and social skills.
New movement and volleyball skills, tactical and problem solving skills, and social skills are introduced at each stage.
How to Play
Volley3s is 3v3 version of volleyball for young people between the ages of 11 and 13 (KS3) in clubs or schools.
Volley3s is played on small courts about the size of a singles badminton court. It can be played indoors or outside on sand, grass or Multi Use Games Areas.

How to Play
Volley4s is 4v4 version of volleyball for young people between the ages of 14 and 16 (KS4) in clubs or schools.
Volley4s is played on small courts about the size of a singles badminton court. It can be played indoors or outside on sand, grass or Multi Use Games Areas.