5 May 2024
Belong on the Court
Positive sporting behaviour in the sport is shown at all levels by players. Whether it be at the very top level – where Joaquin Bello admitted the slightest of touches when attempting a block on a crucial point at the recent EuroBeachVolley 2023 tournament – or at NVL, regional or county level, strong relationships between all involved are key to volleyballs ongoing success.
Volleyball England will continue to encourage referees and team captains to maintain frequent, friendly dialogue before, during and after matches allowing all involved to feel welcome at any volleyball location.
Players, coaches, team officials and supporters should behave appropriately at all times and recognise that others are giving up their free time to facilitate their enjoyment so people can continue to be involved in volleyball for years to come.
“With a growth in the number of clubs entering competitions for the new 2023-24 season, as a sport we want to help sustain the growth, by ensuring everyone involved has a welcoming and positive experience,” said Volleyball England Board Member and champion for ‘Volleyball for life’ Richard Harrison.
“There are lots of choices for people in Volleyball - committee member, competitions organiser, player, coach, referee - and we all rely on what someone else does to enable us to do what we want to do.
“That’s why we have to value what they do and promote, nurture and preserve the good behaviour and positive behaviour that is commonplace up and down the country.
“We all want to feel part of the sport. We all want to feel that we belong in Volleyball. A kind word and a smile do so much more for this than criticism.”