18 Sep 2023
New logo for Super League confirmed

The final version is an amalgam of the two most popular versions in a public vote conducted on Instagram and Twitter last week, taking the two-line ‘stack’ of writing with the ball ‘swoosh’.
“This final design, we believe, has the best of both worlds, incorporating elements of the two designs that were the most popular,” Volleyball England’s Digital and Communications Lead, Jon Cornish, who has designed the logo.
“Using the ‘stack’ gives us added flexibility in how the logo is used, while the ‘swoosh’ makes it more dynamic.
“We’d like to thank the 500-plus people in the Volleyball Community who took the time to vote and give their opinions.”
The branding will be used for the Super League Opening Weekend on 14th and 15th October – tickets available by clicking here for women’s and clicking here for men’s – and for all subsequent rounds of matches thereafter.
Similar style logos, using different colour palettes, will also be used for the NVL as well as other Volleyball England competitions, such as the Sitting Grand Prix, Junior Grand Prix, Student Cup, Cup Finals, Last 8s and Inter-Regionals.