Home Feature

29 Mar 2023

The Game Plan – Phase 2: Connecting our sport, leveraging our strengths

The Game Plan – Phase 2: Connecting our sport, leveraging our strengths

An update on the current progress and future objectives of The Game Plan, our 10-year strategy to transform the sport.

Volleyball is booming. After carefully navigating a challenging period and re-establishing firm and sustainable foundations, we are building on this footing with progressive plans to develop and grow the sport further. 

When we launched our strategy, The Game Plan, in late 2020, we promised to regularly review, revise and recalibrate this blueprint to ensure it remains fresh and relevant. Having listened to the Volleyball community over the last five months, we are pleased to present our second phase of our strategy.  

In Phase 2 of The Game Plan, we will hold on to our three key priorities:  

  • Volleyball For Life and the focus on lifelong participation;  
  • An Ace Service, which is, as the name suggests, about improving our core products and services; 
  • and helping clubs to Get Keep Grow.  

However, the focusses within those areas are developing as we work to better connect the sport, at all levels. By making everyone in the community feel a part of something bigger, we will take advantage of our existing strengths to allow the sport to thrive.

The implementation plan 

Phase 2 of The Game Plan will take us from the present day right through to 2028. Concentrating on a five-year period will enable us to work on a number of transformational projects that can change the landscape for Volleyball in England. 

After engaging with key partners and stakeholders, we have outlined 12 success statements: key objectives that we will be working with the community to deliver by 2028. Each ambition will have its own project plan that will map the journey to success over the next five years. 

  • Clear and aligned pathways for players, coaches, officials, and volunteers that at all levels are built on the premise of maximising member experience.  
  • Engaged and supported Clubs that are compliant with ‘Club Matters’ essential standards, have sufficient volunteer support and are supplying all of their local demand.  
  • A fully integrated and intuitive membership and competition system; used at all levels of the sport to effectively and efficiently manage and develop services to the Volleyball community. 
  • An accessible learner management system that provides education and development opportunities, cascaded through Regions, Counties and Clubs to the Volleyball workforce of coaches, officials and volunteers.  
  • A suite of facility development guidance resources that have resulted in at least 5 Volleyball specific facilities being scoped and built.  
  • An aligned and optimised competition structure that engages, grows, and retains people in the sport and that inclusively ensures that progression into Talent pathways is clear, accessible, and universally supported.  
  • A professionalised Super League that is visually accessible, attractive, and positioned within the Volleyball community as an inspirational and aspirational league that is revered, admired, and followed.  
  • A significant growth in the number of Sitting and Beach Volleyball Clubs, players, coaches and workforce that are regularly engaged in local, regional, and national competitions/events. 
  • England Indoor National Teams qualifying and vying for medals on a yearly basis in the highest levels of international competitions. 
  • Performance beach athletes competing regularly within Elite 16 competitions and ranked in the top 24 in the world.  
  • In collaboration with local, national, and international partners, delivery of international Volleyball events on a yearly basis that provide player/team performance enhancement, fan/community activation and workforce engagement and development.  
  • A Volleyball England shop that is the ‘go to’ place in the country for the Volleyball community to access a wide range of products and services that 12 meet their growing needs. 

Progress to date 

In the first two years of The Game Plan, our delivery has been adjusted in reaction to the implications of the pandemic and the necessity to do what was required to keep people safe, informed and back on the court as possible.  

Following the resurgence of the sport, we flexed our approach to respond to the opportunities that were presented to us. Many of these were unprecedented and exceptional and taking advantage of these opportunities has put us in an excellent position to build for the future.

Adam Walker, Chairman of the Volleyball England Board of Directors said: 

"Following a detailed consultation with the Volleyball England Board & Volleyball community, we are pleased to share our updated 2020-30 Game Plan strategy and implementation plan for the next 5-years (2023-28). It has been important during the process of aligning our ambitions that we ultimately present a member focused, specific, and clear view of the positive and progressive changes that we are aiming to make powered by our partner Clubs, Members, and stakeholders. 

"Work is already underway across a number of the areas detailed in the plans including our digital transformation project announced earlier in the year. 

"I would like to thank everyone that has contributed during this process at all levels of the sport. It is my view, and that of the Volleyball England board & Hub staff, that we have a real opportunity to create a much brighter future for the sport together."

Please watch the strategy impact video below for a summary of our key achievements to date.  


As we move into Phase 2 of The Game Plan, we are now back in a place where we can be proactive, to plan for growth and to ignite our strategic aims. 

Above all else, our ambitions will only be achieved if we move forward as one community. Ongoing feedback from the Volleyball family will play an important part in this next stage of our strategy, and we would appreciate your thoughts and feedback on what you have read on Phase 2.

If you have any comments, please share them with us here. We look forward to hearing from you and, together, working to achieve even greater things in this next chapter. 

To find out more about The Game Plan, and to view our brochure and Phase 2 Implementation Plan, visit our dedicated website page.