27 Jun 2024

Golden EuroLeague preview - ECE Sempeter

Golden EuroLeague preview - ECE Sempeter

Slovenia may have been cast as the underdogs against England during this week’s Euro 2024 Football Championships, but the country’s leading women’s sitting volleyball side, ECE Sempeter, will not be so when they arrive in Nottingham for the ParaVolley Gol

As the champions for the last two seasons, their reputation at the highest level of club competition in Europe precedes them – and feww would bet against them making it a hat-trick of successes.  

Captain Lena Gabršček is certainly confident in the team’s ability, especially as many players have youth on their side. 

“We were directly qualified for the final part of this competition, so this year we have not yet appeared in this season’s EuroLeague, but we are very much looking forward to these finals,” she said. 

“I think we are a strong and relatively young team that can beat any opponent, which we have already shown in previous years at the EuroLeague. 

“We are a team of seven strong individuals who train together a lot, so I don't think any players stands out – it's about the team as a whole.” 

Lena is well aware that, as holders, they will be a target for teams, who will put in extra effort to beat them. 

She added: “We will defend the title of champions, which is often a difficult task, but I think we are really well prepared and I believe that we can manage to defend it.” 

Lena is delighted that sitting volleyball is rapidly becoming more and more popular in her homeland, particularly because the sport is so inclusive. 

“In Slovenia, volleyball in all its forms is very popular, and lately more and more volleyball players who otherwise play indoor volleyball are active in sitting volleyball. 

“That’s a big plus, because the quality of the game is better and the training is better. 

“Sitting volleyball is increasingly recognisable, which also has a positive effect on the better inclusion of disabled people and the reduction of stigma and prejudice.” 

You can follow the action live when the tournament gets underway on Friday via the livestreams by clicking here.

You can also follow the event across Volleyball England’s social media on TwitterFacebookTikTok.