8 Jan 2025
People Plan and Diversity and Inclusion Action Plans to help volleyball more inclusive and welcoming

As part of the organisation’s overall The Game Plan strategy (2024-2030), the People Plan focuses on how best to help and develop the people who support the players.
It aims to span both the volunteer and professional workforce – including coaches, referees and officials, club secretaries and chairman, club volunteers, committee members and club welfare officers and Hub staff, among others – and highlights the importance of collaboration with the region, county and club network.
The document has been pulled together after an 18-month consultation period in 2024 led by The Big Conversation, a series of workshops and meetings that aimed to find out what people wanted to see detailed in the document.

It defines the key principles, the vision, five strategic themes and 14 long-term outcomes that will be periodically used to measure progress.
The DIAP is an integrated and integral part of our People Plan, building on 18 months of gathering data and insight and consultation both within and outside of the sport.
The document highlights Volleyball England’s strengths in terms of diversity and inclusivity, and, importantly, where improvements are still needed by the organisation, as well as the actions to be taken to make those positive steps.
“The people that support the players are at the heart of volleyball, without them we wouldn't have a sport,” said Volleyball England’s Deputy Chief Executive, Guin Batten.

“The People Plan and the Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan map out how, over the next five years, we can make sure that people feel they belong, engaged and safe and that there are enough people with the right skills in volleyball.”
Volleyball England Board Director Richard Harrison added: “This is our People Plan. Yes, it has targets, actions and milestones, but it is ‘our’ plan.
“It expresses who and what we are as a membership organisation, and what we will continue to do and to become. Although it is aimed at ‘the people that support the people that play volleyball’, we can all play a part.
“Together we can make volleyball inclusive and welcoming, to help drive a joyful experience for everyone. Our People Plan is a guide to make people feel good about themselves, about their contribution, about their involvement, to feel safe. To belong in volleyball.”
Volleyball England would like to thank Sporting People (Steve Mitchell and Justyn Price) for their guidance and support in producing the two plans.
View the People Plan in full by clicking here.
View the DIAP in full by clicking here.