10 Sep 2024
Help your club engage with the local community

It is the first in a series of workshops that will be run throughout the 2024-25 indoor season.
The workshop will be held online on Wednesday, 25th September 2024 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.
According to the most recent Annual Club Survey, 63% of member clubs want to be an adult community club.
Volleyball is a sport inclusive by design, which can be enjoyed by anyone and everyone, with community clubs at the centre of the funding opportunities.
If follows that if the clubs can learn how to engage the community they are part of, it not only benefits that community, but can also benefit them in terms of securing the right funding.
This workshop will give insights into understanding local communities and learning effective strategies to engage with them, as well as maximising benefits for both clubs and the communities they serve.
Click here to register your interest by kindly completing the booking form. Please book early to avoid disappointment as only 20 places are available on a first come, first served basis.
Note that delegates must be at least 16 years of age, be able to communicate effectively in English and are representing an English club or organisation.