22 Apr 2023

The BIG Conversation: have your say on the future of Volleyball

The BIG Conversation: have your say on the future of Volleyball

The BIG Conversation is the first step in creating a people plan for the future of the sport

Led by our ambitious strategy, The Game Plan, it is our goal to develop the sport of Volleyball in England over the coming years.  

To help us do this, we think it is vital to understand, support, and develop the people at the heart of our sport - the volunteers that work tirelessly behind the scenes to make the sport happen. 

And with your help, the BIG conversation will enable us to do just that. It will be the first step in creating a people plan for the future of Volleyball in England.

We want to hear from people at every level of our sport, so we can understand what volunteering in Volleyball looks and feels like, helping us to evaluate what is working well and what needs changing. 

But most importantly, we want the BIG Conversation to be a two-way conversation about the practical steps we can take together to ensure we have enough, suitability skilled and valued volunteers to allow the sport of Volleyball to thrive in the years ahead.   

For this reason, we want everyone to take part in the BIG Conversation and have their say via our online questionnaire.

And as a thank you for giving us your valuable feedback, you will be entered into a draw to win a ball signed by The Bello Brothers.  

There is no limit to the number of times you can submit the form, and we welcome you to share as many reflections and solutions as you can.   

Alongside the online questionnaire, there will also be the opportunities to join us as we convene in regional and county focus groups in May and June. Please share your details at the end of the questionnaire to learn more about the focus groups.